Welcome to the 3rd annual SUZUKI Top Ten Tuna Tournament.
Sat 31st December – Sat 7th January 2023.
With just under a month till this tournament kicks off, get your team together and entry forms in, this year the tournament will be run over 8 days – download your entry form now!!!! https://www.mbgfc.co.nz/tournaments/
There is no briefing for this tournament but you will need to register after 11am on Friday 30th December. Starter packs will contain tournament rules, sponsors material and other useful information.
Whilst people are welcome to fish all 8 days, this will also give anglers the opportunity to pick the best weather days during this 8 day period and just fish those days.
Hours of fishing: 0600 Saturday 31st Dec till 1600 Saturday Jan 7th
The Weigh Station is open from 1630 to 1930 on days one to seven and 1530 to 1830 on day eight
One of each species per angler per day. This applies to the date of catch (as per the catch card), not the date of weighing.
– Prizegiving will be on the 7th Jan at 8PM in the Clubrooms
There will be 5 x Suzuki DF2.5 outboard motors valued at $6500.00 to be given away as lucky angler draws. (You must be present at prizegiving to be eligible for the draw)
Prizes will be awarded to the anglers catching the ten heaviest eligible fish regardless of line weight as follows:
1st: $3000.00 2nd: $2000.00 3rd $1000.00 4th: $900.00
5th: $800.00 6th: $700.00 7th: $550.00 8th: $450.00
9th: $350.00 10th: $250.00
If two or more anglers catch fish of equal weight they will each receive the average of the relevant prizes.
None of these 10 cash prizes will be drawn.