Friday Flash 20th August
Operating of Clubrooms
We hope to hear what is happening with our region today at the 3PM media conference, at this stage we are on AL4 until the 24th August. All going well and if we get back into AL2 or AL1 we will reopen on Wednesday 25th August.
Terry Fletcher
We are saddened to advise that our dear Club Member, Friend, Sponsor and great man Terry Fletcher passed away Wednesday morning. Our sincere condolences go to Sue, Mike, Shane, Aaron and families. He will be very much be missed.
Hannah Hardy:
We say goodbye to Hannah Hardy from the kitchen who has been with us for the past 3 years. Hannah leaves us to take another path of hospitality, front of house at the Lost Springs. We have watched her develop into a lovely young lady, and was an integral part of the kitchen. We wish her all the best and will miss having her part of our team.
Nomination Forms for Committee Oct 21 – Sept 22: Nomination forms are available at the office or in the clubrooms should you wish to submit a nomination for the coming year. Nominations close 4pm Thursday 26th August, 2021.
Renewal of subscriptions: All renewal subscriptions for 2021-22 are due, to avoid a late fee of $20.00 payment will need to be received by the 20th September.
Winter Tuna Tournament – Still 11 days till the end of this tournament, no fish have been weighed in at all in August, so the board still stands the same
Leader Board thus far
Tuna Heaviest Fish Marty Johanson 135.2kg
2nd Shane McBarron 127.4kg
3rd Rebecca Trethowen 106.18kg
Albacore Heaviest Fish Ben Pond 22.6kg
2nd Wotzie 21.2kg
3rd Bryce Hooten 19.96kg
Champion Team on pts: Fyssher
Tagging section – nothing received as yet. $2000 worth of product which is drawn.
Ladies Tournament Feedback Survey
We have had a really good response to this survey, and we would like to thank those who have submitted feedback. It has given us some ideas on how you would like this tournament run. So watch this space!!
Thank you also to those who have let us know that they are interested in helping out with this tournament, we will be in touch with you. If you haven’t contacted us and you would like to help please let the office know.
If anyone is interested in donating or would like to offer sponsorship for the tournament please let the office know and we will pass your information onto the committee.
Boat Flags:
The club have purchased some top quality boat flags, if you would like to purchase one please pop into the clubrooms/office or give us a call and we can send one to you in the post. $25.00 per flag.
Stay Safe