Hey Ladies!
Serious about fishing? Like to catch Billfish & Tuna? Love spending all day on the water dragging lures? Love the thrill and excitement of game fishing? GET IN!
The MBGFC Ladies Blue Competition is for you, this is a team competition for billfish and tuna over a five month period. Entries are now open.
Check out the details:
Fishing can be done anytime from 1 DEC 2022 – 30 APRIL 2023
No need to worry about the weather as you pick the days that you want to fish.
The tournament fee is $250 per boat. The team entry must be made before any fish can be recorded for the team.
All anglers fishing in your team must be members of MBGFC or members of a club affiliated to NZSFC or IGFA. (Day membership of MBGFC will suffice)
The prize money will be shared, so the more boats the bigger the prize:
40% for Heaviest Billfish weighed (+ Trophy )
50% for MOST Tag & Release points (+ Trophy )
10% for Heaviest Tuna weighed (+ Trophy)
AND a trophy for the Champion Team (on points)
See you on the water and tight lines! Game fish on.
Entry and Rules click here: https://www.mbgfc.co.nz/ladies_blue/