Pretty much the same story for the last few weeks now. There seems to be plenty of snapper out there and most people aren’t having too much trouble finding crays either. Snapper have been caught in good numbers around the Black Rocks and Ohinau, also in most popular spots around the Mercury Islands. They’ve also been doing well with soft baits inside Great Mercury Island and off Otama. Hopefully someone will catch a big one in the snapper tournament tomorrow and help the club retain the Kilwell Sports Interclub Trophy.
Snapper Tournament
This tournament is going ahead tomorrow and we’re pitting our skills against Matarangi, Tairua and Whangamata. As mentioned, we are the current holders of the Kilwell Sports Interclub Trophy and we’d like to keep it that way so get your entries in and give us a hand. Forecast is for a bit of breeze in the morning but easing during the day so there should be plenty of opportunity to get to a good spot. Entries are only $20 per angler and all money returned as prizes for heaviest 3 snapper. Entry forms in the office or on the bar and entries close when the bar closes tonight.
Extreme Boats Tournament
After a covid enforced break, we are once again hosting this big tournament in the Blue Lagoon. They’ll be here next week on 27th, 28th and 29th October. Everything at the club will be operating as usual but just be aware that there will be a lot of people out the back and parking will be restricted for these three nights.
Ladies Tournament – Girls in the Bay!
Entries are now open for this tournament and entry forms are available from the club or on our website. Enter by December 14th to be in the early bird draw and only pay $100 per angler. After December 14th, entry prices increases to $120 each. The first 100 boats will be a starter pack and the first 250 anglers will get a Tshirt!
Fisherman of the Year
Last night we presented the NZSFC Fisherman of the Year Trophy to Warren George (Donk). Donk’s fish was a 380kg blue marlin caught on 17th February this year and was the largest one weighed in the country last season. The fish was also a 10:1 fish (fish weighed more than 10 times line weight), only the third time this has been achieved at our club (apart from sharks) in almost 50 years. Congratulations again Donk, Skipper Martin Holmes and all the crew on Kawailani that day – a real fish of a life time.
Club Night
With a ‘must go’ draw last night of $1800 (Congratulations Fiona Watts!) and a bit of a celebration for Donk’s trophy, we broke a couple of records. With 63 meat raffles at $100 each we took $6,300 in about 2 and a half hours. Probably sold more meat in that time than most butchers would have done all day. Bar takings at a shade under $11,500 was the most in a single night in the clubrooms (not counting Blue Lagoon). A fantastic job by all the staff and volunteers (thanks Tim & Johan) and a tremendous level of support from our members. Congratulations to all the winners and we look forward to seeing you all again soon.
To the group of people that helped us erect the marquees out the back and set up the tables, chairs and leaners for the Extreme Boats Tournament. It was a busy afternoon but looks good now thanks to Gordon, Scott, Debbie, Wazza, Pete and Graham. Also to Graeme Tucker, Ray Christini and Brad Johnson for fixing the bracket for our shade cloth on the deck. A couple of finishing touches required and we’re hoping to have the shade cloth back up for the sunny weather we’re expecting from Labour Weekend on.
Whitianga Marine
If you’re not out fishing tomorrow, Whitianga Marine are holding their first Mini Boat Show. Pop down and see what they have on offer at 233 South Highway. There are plenty of prizes to be won and giveaway for the kids – bring the whole family.
Club Draw
#71 $1800 Fiona Watts – Congratulations!
The Jug
$250 per draw
#1 #137 Carol
#2 # 92 Debbie
#3 #73 Tiana
#4 #75 Andrea
Complimentary meal at House of Chang Thai #7 Sydney
Chuck a Chook – Guest Tosser – Hannah Hardy – 18th Birthday and one of our hard working kitchen staff for many years
# 23 John Good throw, good catch
#102 Maria Dropped – good effort in the crowd
#174 Ben Better throw, don’t know how he caught it
#151 Shannon Pretty easy catch
# 54 Yatesy Dropped – walked away, no wonder he’s got a sore leg
#130 Karen Dropped – hard throw
#110 Yatesy daughter Dropped – easy throw, couldn’t hold it
#111 Moo Excellent catch – head right behind it
#134 Connor Well caught
Tight Lines
Alan – Manager